Hello, I'm Sugawara, a designer. Some people are attracted to the high quality feel of genuine leather bags, but are hesitant to buy one because of their weight. Even if you do find one, you may not be satisfied with the design. In response to such requests, Toyooka Kaban's certified "ELK" series will introduce two new items, "Horizontal S Size" and "Horizontal XS Size." Today, we would like to introduce you to some new products that will be joining our lineup and talk about the appeal of the "ELK" series. We hope you enjoy it. |
[Pre-order Bonus] Long handle gift for the first 15 customers
Customers who purchase this product online or at our direct stores will receive a free long handle customized in your choice of black or beige. 【subject】 YK59 Dulles Bag XS size YK4 Dulles Bag S size 【how to order】Please proceed to the order process page, write "I would like a long handle (black or beige)" in the comments section, and confirm your order.
*Limited to one item per person. |
It's not just light,
ELK leather is full of " attention to detail "
–Lightweight and soft to the touch– The material used is "elk PVC leather" which has a fine grain that gives it an elegant impression. |
– Tailoring that takes advantage of the material's characteristics –
The rounded horizontal design gives it a gentle impression. The plump and adorable shape gives the owner a soft impression.
– Clean and modern design
–Easy- to-use storage capacity–
The 3-way backpack weighs under 1kg, 780g for the XS size and 960g for the S size, so you won't feel the weight even if you put in the things you need. The horizontal shape makes it easy to store a PC or a long wallet. The opening is a frame type that can be opened and closed in one second. |
With a bag that makes your heart flutter ,
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YOUTA Representative and Designer Sugawara There are a lot of cool clothes for men, but not many bags. So we decided to make our own. With this frank idea in mind, we launched the men's bag brand "YOUTA" in 2006. Having worked in various apparel-related jobs such as clothes, watches, and shoes, I focused on synthetic leather. It is a lightweight and rain-resistant material, so unlike leather, it does not require maintenance. The reason we chose synthetic leather is that it is "vegan leather," a non-animal material that suits the modern era. We hope that you will enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable business life with our high-quality bags certified by Toyooka Bags and playful customizations. |